Lucky Luke




Chapter 1
On a white winters day

The hard, dried up piles of glossy, white snow crunched beneath Luke Perrin’s feet as he walked into the dark, cold, pine tree forest. Luke searched into his trouser holes and retrieved a thin curved blade of wood, with polished sides. He cut himself a reasonable amount of rope and tied it to the wood - - - - - -

- - - and swung it till it hit an unfortunate passing rabbit.
“Fetch Burnardo!” The boy shouted and a Golden Retriever with curly, overgrown strands of hair, grabbed the silky white flesh and tore back to Luke with it dangling from its mouth.
“Yeah, nice to put in the pot to night- great meal!”   
Luke laughed. 

Ahead of the child with the brown leather coat and short blonde hair, was a small, brown hut  with a little smoking chimney. Lucky wiped his boots on a thatched rug which lay in front of a yellow, oak door.

He pushed the door and entered the room. The blood from the dead rabbit dripped on the carpet. Over on a brown, leather armchair sat a grey haired gentleman with a bald patch on his hair and a monocle over his blue eye. A lady with curly, white hair and an apron decorated with flowers came in and nagged “Oh what a lovely mess you’ve managed to make in here, Luke”.
The young lad’s uncle smiled, a twinkle in his eye. He said gratefully, “Well done, lad, it seems we’re not going to starve this winter after all.” 
Chapter 2
The rabbit stew was rather nice. The spices that Luke’s Aunt put on the rabbit leftovers made it taste fabulous. Bedtime occurred and Luke went to bed and his elder brother, Kurky read him a folk tale from Russia. In the morning everything was normal, except one thing.

Luke’s Uncle, Nicholas was not sitting on his Armchair, smoking his pipe. Lucky shrugged and slumbered to the kitchen, and had breakfast; sliced apples from their apple tree. “ Yaaaw …. Where’s Uncle,” He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

“Luke, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Auntie Kate snapped. “If you must know, he’s been missing ever since you went to bed, I went to fetch him a nice red wine, and when I came back, he went missing, like that.”

“Really” Luke mumbled, his face flat on the table.
“Luke, exactly what time did you get to bed?” His mother asked.
“ Dunno”Luke replied, lifting his head up from the table.
“Fredrick?” Kurky said“’leven” 

“Fred, I thought I told you to have him sleepin’ at half pas’ nine!” Mum exclaimed.
“I was tellin’ him ‘bout history, ma.” Kurky groaned. “And you had two an’ a half hours to talk about that.”

“’Kay okay, I went to bed late already, but what about Uncle Nick?” Asked Luke. “Ah, yes, well we shall put posters up all over town.” said Kurky. “Show me one,” Luke asked.
Luke pulled one over and looked at it. “Well,” he said,”He can’t be far away, I say that he should be about somewhere in the living room, where he went missing. I mean he can only have gone through the door by passing the Kitchen, I mean that was where Aunt was, getting him something. If he had broke through the walls within the hut, he would have made a mess, right?”
“Yes … I guess you could be right but we should try it anyway, I know, you stay at home and look in all the rooms he could possibly be in whilst me, mum and aunt go to town.” Kurky suggested.
So Luke searched in the attic first. There was a trap door on the ceiling of the living room which only Uncle Nick could reach, so Luke went the other way - up the stairs. There wasn’t any sign of him there. Luke then checked his Uncle’s bedroom - maybe he had just decided to skip the wine and go to bed, nobody had thought to search there, and he was probably sleeping the whole time. Unfortunately there was no sign of him there. Finally Luke checked the living room. Nobody there. So Luke decided to just relax, watch a bit of TV until the elders came home. He found the room was a little cold so he decided to light the fire ... 

Luke searched the attic first

    Chapter 3
 Lucky not Luke

… ZOOM! As quick as the swipe of the Jaguar’s sword, Luke zipped into the fire , then came out again. Only he had been facing North when he went in and now was facing South to that direction when he came out. He also had dark blue skin, and a label, which said LUCKY,on his … green clothes? Luke - I mean Lucky lifted up his blue hand, and scratched his head in confusion with his pointy talons, to find he had pointy ears! His floppy hair was under a hat, which he had not put on, and when he took off his hat, he found, his hair was not floppy any more!  

Lucky could not believe this. Lucky, “Not very likely” he thought, “appearing in a new dimension, where … hey! uncle might be!!” Now Lucky saw that he was lucky after all! 
Lucky jumped high in the sky and cheered.

Then he saw that there were not any matches to light the fire with! He was not able to get back to the other dimension! He thought again, “I am called Lucky, so I am sure to be lucky, I’ll find a way back, sure.”

 Lucky walked over to the other side of the room and found a door; even in the dark shadows of the room - lucky. Then, even before he had touched the door handle, he found a small suit of armour in the top left corner of the room. He walked over to it, and picked up a piece of parchment that said:  

To dear nephew, Lucky,
The dimension you are in now is the evil world of stories and dreams, where you meet only the terrifying monsters and ghosts of dreams, myths, legends and stories. You have this suit to protect you, on your journey, young elf. Do not trust anyone or anything - except the things in this room. A fairy long ago  set good magic on this room, nothing wrong can happen here. Do not trust even a letter from me anywhere else but this room.
From Santa Clause or Saint Nicholas

Lucky put on the suit to find it was exactly the right size for him.

Lucky put on the pair of metal shoes, gloves, stored the Spiked Ball in a metal box which was part of the armour and stored the sword within the hilt. To his utter astonishment the armour was so light that he could run just as quickly without the armour! Then he found a mail vest underneath and found that he would have to take of his breast armour, put on the mail and then put back on the armour. Lucky found that neither the armour nor the mail was hot or sweaty! Lucky opened the door and found that although there was a hallway with lit torches on the wall, the was no ground - if he had gone another step he would have fallen, and it looked like the fall was massive, maybe he would have even fallen and never would have reached the surface still alive. Lucky gulped and remembered, L - U - C - K - Y spells the magic word. What would he do? Lucky scratched his head and then thought “time for a lucky dip.” Lucky hurled the Medieval spiked ball and hey, a lucky catch!

The chain of the ball spun round  the torch. Lucky swung from side to side, and on the other side he dug in his sword, so that he would not smash into the other wall, and fall. Lucky  stepped on top of the sword, and put his feet on the wall. He then sliced his sword through the wall and put it in his hilt.

Lucky then walked himself up the wall and grabbed onto the torch. Unlucky for him the fire caught on his armour, but then lucky for him this armour did neither, melt or catch fire. “Wow,” he thought,” I never was this lucky, but then I guess, I’m in a different dimension with a new body an’ all, I guess that’s how I managed to do that with my weapons, quick to reaction this elf is.”
Lucky then stabbed his way over to his torch (stabbed into the wall and pulled himself over - ditto, ditto). He then did the same to get to the other right hand torch. Then midway to the next one he came upon a door.
Lucky, now breathless opened up the door to find himself in another hallway, on floor this time. Lucky was glad. Lucky took a step onto the floor, only to find that when he took a step it was suddenly black. He then fell down, down…

Daylight blazed into Lucky’s eyes. In front of him was Saint Nicholas! “Uncle am I out of that wretched place now,” he asked. “Yes,” said the Uncle, for some reason, he did not seem cheerful, and he was pale, and he spoke like a Zombie.
“I’m glad, then,” said Lucky. Then Lucky realised his  armour was still on. “Hmmm, my armour would not be on me if I changed dimensions.” thought Lucky. “Uncle told me not to trust anybody in the same dimension. Uncle Nicholas seems … kind of different inside…”

Lucky got up and sliced the imposter in half. The body turned into blue smoke and faded into the air. Lucky took of his helmet and wiped of his sweat. He looked into a mirror and saw that his hair had changed to since he changed dimensions, it was a kind of scarlet red.

Suddenly his hair changed do a dark velvet green, and his skin changed to light blue. He looked around and saw that he was in a brighter dimension with a bright and cheerful atmosphere. He understood now that he had changed dimensions, again, and was an elf of this dimension, because every elf he saw looked like him. He then saw a chubby man dressed in a silky red with a white beard as white as the rabbit he slaughtered earlier on. On his cloak it said Santa Clause. “Aye, sir” he said, without even meaning to say that or speak!

“Ah, Glory hello,” said Santa Clause. “Who’s Santa Clause and my name is Lucky” said Lucky - maybe Glory

Lucky then remembered about Santa Clause from the letter  and how he must have changed names from changing dimension from Saint Nicholas to Santa Clause. Then he remembered how his name must have been changed to Glory. Santa Clause must have become the master of all the elves here, whilst Glory was searching for him. That was probably why Glory just happened to call him sir.
Glory understood now that he could not just take Santa Clause back like that. He had made a new home. Santa then spoke again. “You got your name Glory, because of your triumph in the other world.”
“Well Uncle, how can I get back?” asked Glory. “All you have to do is believe you can, oh and destroy that fire when you get back, I mean we cannot have people from your planet enter the terrible dream planet.” the speech of Santa rose from his mouth. “Yes and come back and visit me sometime”
“Sure Uncle,” said Glory. “Now to get back and win back my proper name, bye!” Glory hugged old Santa,
and walked forwards to another mirror,

and found himself looking in the bathroom window of his house.




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